01484 868 283

LEV Testing and Servicing

Learn about LEV Testing and Servicing, and how we can help!

LEV Testing & Servicing, ensuring your LEV equipment is compliant

As per the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the testing of your LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) systems is a mandatory activity to ensure that you’re dust extraction, fume extraction and ventilation systems are working as initially intended and are still removing hazardous and/ or toxic particles from the air, effectively.

Full inspection and testing reports cover every aspect of each system tested, using tindle lamps and equipment calibrated every year to ensure accurate records for our customers. Don’t allow your industry to be at risk.

From this we will report our findings and costs for the work required to bring your system back to design parameters. We will costs for labour materials and installation access etc, depending upon your requirements, should you simply require a set of replacement filters we can supply spares only for your own staff to install should you prefer.

What you should know about LEV testing

LEV Testing is vital in ensuring that your systems remain compliant with both health and safety legislation and also your own company insurance. It also provides

This testing should be conducted regularly, which when you speak with us, we can create a testing plan for you. If any of your systems are upgraded, moved or serviced in anyway, they should always be tested afterwards.

Ready to get started on a project?

If you wish to speak to us about LEV Testing and Servicing, contact our specialist team by hitting the button below.

Offering a start to finish solution.

Tell us your needs and we’ll endeavour to meet them, every time.


Design team with decades of experience developing unique solutions.


In-house manufacturing ensuring rapid response on all projects.


Offering installation and maintenance across Great Britain.

Why choose RPL for your LEV services and general fabrication?

At RPL Limited, our LEV engineers are qualified with OHS P601 Proficiency Module: Initial appraisal and thorough examination and testing of LEV systems. BOHS P602 Proficiency Module: Basic design principles of LEV systems.

Since the publication by Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of HSG 258 ‘Controlling Airborne Contaminants at Work – a guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV)’ many diligent industry owners are insisting that LEV work is only undertaken by engineers who have attained suitable training courses to ensure their systems fall within legislative guidelines.

Contact us today to arrange the testing of your equipment.

Have a question about LEV Testing and Servicing?

Take a look at the most commonly asked questions, hopefully we give you the answer you’re looking for.

How often should LEV systems be tested?

We recommend that your equipment is tested regularly, usually, every year.

What is the law behind LEV testing?

The test comes under COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Law.

Visit the gallery

We have an array of photos and videos of all our systems, take a look at our gallery to see more of what we do.